About Us

Poway Votes is a small group of concerned residents who know that the most powerful government is the closest government.  The site is designed to further local understanding of Poway's elected governmental structure in the hopes that it will increase public involvement, and thus the quality of our local leadership.  The sensitive nature of the employment positions held by the contributors preclude public identification.  However, none (as far as the editor knows) of the contributor(s) work for, or are associated with any of the currently elected representatives.


  1. More information on who you are please. This sounds like a site by and for the incumbents.

    1. A understandable concern. However, the author(s) of this site are not associated with any of our elected representatives. This site is sporadically updated and has been in existence for longer than most of the current representatives have been in office. The author(s) wish to remain anonymous for good reason(s).
