Thursday, October 6, 2016

Election Update, 2016

Election Update, 2016

Races of Particular Importance for Poway Residents:

Poway City Council Race
Three Good Candidates for Two Open Seats

Poway Unified School District
The Two Best Choices are Clear

Measure W
Read between the lines - Do the ends justify the means?

On Wednesday October 5th, the Poway Chamber of Commerce and the Green Valley Civic Association (GVCA) hosted a "Meet the Candidates Forum" focusing on the Poway City Council and the Poway Unified School District (PUSD).  Many thanks to them for their work in hosting this forum.  Additionally, it is fortunate that our local residents have the interest and desire to serve in these public offices.  All of the candidates were there with a conviction and a desire to do what they think is best to help these local governance boards serve the public.